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Friday, August 12, 2016

Author Interview : Sreyus Palliyani, author of 'Gabriati : Rise of the Preceptor' (Part 2)

Read up, the second part of the Interview with Sreyus Palliyani, author of 'Gabriati : Rise of the Perceptor' In this he tells us, the most most fulfilling part of the book, the author, he takes inspiration from, the next book he has planned and also who his favourite authors are, and much more, Folks...
What is the most fulfilling part of writing this book?

The most fulfilling part would certainly be the fact that I told the story the way I wanted to tell it. I worked with some pretty amazing and talented people from my publisher. 

And my spectacular specialist editor Nidhi Kaushik, let me keep whatever I wrote. There was nothing that I was forced to remove.

What are you planning on writing next? When would you see that released?

I’m currently working on a period psychological thriller which is a closed room murder mystery. It is set in the late 70s during the Emergency Period in India. It is based on a true story.

Like my previous work, I want to focus on the authenticity of the novel and hence am researching on a wide array of topics including ancient Indian exorcism practices. The novel should be out late 2018.

Is there an author you take inspiration from?

I do not take inspiration from authors as I feel it clouds your plot. 
Stephen King

Although there are authors, whose books I love reading. Stephen King, Keigo Higashino, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Alexandre Dumas 
 are a few of them.

Who are your favourite authors and why?

My all-time favourite authors include Alexandre Dumas, because I feel he was a writer way ahead of his time, Gabriel Garcia Marquez because of the depth and vulgarity of human emotion that he can so easily depict, Higashino for the gripping tales that he tells and Stephen King for the master of horror and drama that he is.

Alexandra Coelho Ahndoril
Alexander Ahndoril
Which book are you reading, currently?

Currently, I’m leisure reading 'The Hypnotist' by the Alexander Ahndoril and Alexandra Coelho Ahndoril.

What do you do on a day to day basis, besides writing stories?

Sreyus Palliyani
I'm currently working as a Research Engineer specializing in Transportation Policy with the National University of Singapore and the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore. I love to travel, and have at least one vacation, a month.

My travels are where I get my inspiration from. I am a Martial artist and it is one of my greatest passions besides writing. I hold a black belt in Okinawan Shorin Ryu Seibukan karate. Practicing the arts is my go to place. If I’m having a bad day, I’ll run to the Dojo.

You can Read the First Part of this Interview right here, Read the Review here and Buy the Book  here, as well.

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