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Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Book Review : 'Ayesha and the Firefish' by Ajay Chowdhury

I guess the place to start reading a book will have an effect on the way the mind works. As it did with this book…. ‘Ayesha and the Firefish' by Ajay Chowdhury. It spoke of a ten year old, with the mind of a true explorer. A curious mind, an imaginative understanding and partial lack of control would mean that this young girl should be fun!

Ayesha was twiddling her thumbs and staring into space in the beachside hotel. Her parents, of course thought it was a nice place and kept busy, in either the spa or on the laptop. But, Ayesha was bored stiff! 

One particular night, she was suddenly taken by the smell of the sea and she quietly changed into her swimsuit. She made her way to the waterside in the middle of the night. She looked up and down. Above were the stars and below were surprisingly, fireflies as she called them, in the water. She is taken by surprise, when a dolphin calls out to her. The adventure begins. 

Surprise after surprise, before she is taken on by Shekina, the queen of the seas. Shekina, whom nobody is supposed to see the way she actually looks, is all set to send Ayesha on a mission. The queen wants her to save the world. So, helped along by Caro, the snail, Ayesha heads to dry land, from where, her mystery adventure truly begins.

Antoni Gaudi
She sets off to Italy to meet her cousin Xander and discover all about the firefish. Their extraordinary quest, takes them across not just the seas,  but also into the 'Museo Galileo' in Italy, and with Antoni Gaudi's 'Casa Battlo' in Barcelona, even wormholes in space and even up to Jupiter. It mixes up countries, the people, the fish, sometimes even androids, the firefish and the planets too, of course.

So, if you guys manage to read this book, which had a little bit of everything and keep wishing for more, I wouldn’t be surprised. Do read it. It was all worth it, especially the lessons learnt, and to give something more away, would be wrong of me!!

You can Buy the Book, right here. 

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