A friend recently asked me if I don't get frustrated every time I have to see a rejection slip from the publishers. Well, of course, I do, but that's all there is to it. You get frustrated, you let it go. And then tomorrow again, it is another day. I keep feeling happy that I have not yet got as many rejection slips that some of the famous authors, today have got. And so, as time goes on, I keep on trying. Have coffee, will try. :)
And of course, it is a long drawn process, I have understood that. Of course, at times, I do get more irritated at the letter which says next to nothing, whenever they have to reject my book. I keep trying to ask them, but hey, what is the use? Is it the book, or the text in the book or the style, what? At least if I knew, I could, in the least, try. :)
Because, I do not believe that it could be my writing. Because I feel and I know that my writing is good, and it can only get better. Old-fashioned perhaps, but, we live in a funny age, where we learn so much from the book of an earlier age and yet books of today are so differently written, a whole new language.
Is it necessary that every soul has to write in the brand new manner that we read now? Is it necessary that we completely and totally forget the language we learnt and picked up? Its beauty and its charm?
Because, English to my mind is a wonderful and powerful language, where one can be naughty and serious at the same time, happy and sad, or even romantic and morbid at another. So, it has been this wonderful language that I chose to pen my words in.
So, here's looking for light at the end of this tunnel, for a tube light at the end of this power cut, because I can, definitely see some. :)
Hey! Great post! Really enjoyed it!
thanks vedant :)
Well all the authors I know have had to face loads of rejection as well. In the creative side it's very difficult to get recognition and getting people to have faith in your work. Trust me when I say this; there will be that one person, that one publisher who will approach you with implicit faith. Sometimes when you can't make things happen it just happens on its own. ;)
Loads of good sense and apt commentary on the geniuses called publishers
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